cessna got it right! (alaska part 8)

If you want to see the beautiful mountains and awesome glacier in Alaska, then the proper way is to rent a Cessna and to go. Flying was surprisingly cheap and for hour and half we got amazing views over the area with all the snowy mountains and glacier. Definitely worth it! Two great findings:  a) I can’t recall the last time I was boarding the plane without security control and without ID… b) pilot let me control the plane for a moment and I was flying! Super cool! πŸ˜‰ Miňo – eat that! ;D And yes! That is authentic picture! I was actually copiloting. Our pilot  let me play for a while with the “steering wheel” and you know what? I was actually flying and controlling the plane! Pretty freaking awesome πŸ™‚ Guy in the middle is our pilot (and I was his copilot!) And one selfie video – this can’t be missing! πŸ˜‰

husky puppies (alaska part 7)

There is never enough pictures of cute puppies! I met those adorable 2 weeks old husky puppies during our Alaska trip! Their eyes were just opening and they were enjoying spring sun outside. Once they will become big huskies and will become sledge dogs as the rest of their family – which I couldn’t resist to photograph for a while too πŸ˜‰ 

aurora! (alaska part 6)

In the middle of the nowhere, somewhere in the famous Klondike territory, 9 miles to Canadian border … there was a chance to see this miracle for the first time in my life, so we unexpectedly decided to stay overnight in our RV. And you know what? She showed up! Oh yes, Ms. Aurora appeared and made a spectacular entrance! And I was amazed and fascinated and kept shooting till 2am at -20C/-4F … But as you can see, it was worth it!   Please, enjoy with me this pure beauty of our Mother Nature. Nikon D810, Nikkor 16-35 at 16mm, f/4, 30sec, ISO1250  And this one is for my forever sweetheart Monika … I wish you could see that too, because it was … no words to describe … so so beautiful and breathtaking. Will take you there to see it, I promise!

ice fishing (alaska part 5)

 Ice fishing!Another “first in my life” – and that’s ice fishing. What is a weekend activity for Alaskan, was so much fun and exotic for us! You park your truck, get by ATC fourwheeler for an about a mile to the lake… and then – ON THE LAKE! Well, I can tell you, it was a bit scary when we got on ice, but then when the hole was drilled and I saw that the ice is thick for about one meter, I felt better!And then we just had a very nice time! And yes, we caught one trout! OK, it was Miro – the best fisherman ever… And it was sooo tasty πŸ˜‰ See ya!

junkyard as playground (alaska part 4)

We made it to Tok, Alaska. It’s in the middle of nowhere, but it’s beautiful here! We plan to ride husky sledges tomorrow or go ice fishing. We’ll see… But today we were just exploring “downtown” (ehm, ehm! πŸ˜‰But on our way through Alaska Highway meet a super cool place. It’s called MUKLUK LAND and it is actually junkyard converted to a great playground for kids. Opened June-August, but we got in anyway, couldn’t resisted πŸ™‚A treat for a photography eyes. enjoy with me!PS: At the end, we rent a small Cessna in the afternoon to fly over the Alaska glacier! Beautiful!!! More to come…

on the road (alaska part 3)

Less active today. Moving from Arcticman camp to next destination. Tok, Alaska. We will spend few days here, just riding huskies in the forest, visiting junkyard-playground etc… More about that later…But today, just 5 hours transfer on the longest Alaska highway, which starts in Canada and goes through whole state – 1490 miles in total.Nice and quiet ride… and at the end we were rewarded with a wonderful skies!

they’re nuts! (Arctic Man race – alaska part 2)

Biggest gathering of snowmobile fans in Alaska continues with the main race! 5 miles (8km) race starts by skier riding down, then hooking to the snowmobile on the go, after 1 mile unhooking and rushing to get to the finish line. And a lot of people just cruising around, having a fun. Including myself, riding snowmobile for the first time. Go Alaska, go! And here are my three new friends I share one RV with them! πŸ™‚ Meet Vilo, Miro and Dodo! πŸ˜‰ And that’s me! Riding first time! πŸ˜‰

Arctic Man (alaska part 1)

First day in Alaska! Visiting “Arctic Man”, which is the biggest Alaska gathering of snowmobile fans and actually closure of the season. Everybody is in RV and everybody is a friend here. People are cool and snowmobiles are everywhere. Weather didn’t cooperated very much today, but it should get better tomorrow. I am planning to go and ride my snowmobile too! πŸ˜‰ Enjoy random and very little edited sample of today…