360° fly around bardejov’s st. egid basilic

My first “video trial”. Well, “kinda video”. 83 shots of my hometown basilica of st. Egid.Môj prvý video pokus. Nuž, “akože video”. 83 záberov baziliky sv. Egídia v mojom rodnom meste. It’s all started with prepared and printed map with a circle around the basilica tower. Just not to get lost.Príprava začala vytlačením mapy s kruhom okolo veže baziliky. Aby sa človek nestratil. After two hours and overcoming several barriers I got 83 final shots. Editing and aligning in Photoshop and stitching it together in video editor.Po dvoch hodinách fotenia a prekonaní niekoľkých prekážok som nafotil finálnych 83 záberov. Úprava a zrovnanie vo Photoshope, a potom už len spojenie do videa v editore. And voilá! You can fly around basilica too 😉 BTW, same day afternoon started snowing so heavily, when I’ve captured this beautiful snowflakes shot from my previous post.Voilá. Môžte si zalietaťokolo baziliky aj vy. Fotil som ináč v ten deň, keď poobede začalo tak silno snežit – a potom neskôr som nafotil tie krásne snehové vločky z predchádzajúceho príspevku. Idea and inspiration – credit goes to candy glass productions, toronto. 

tapeta na stiahnutie | zasnežený bardejov

Ďakujem všetkým za pozitívne komentáre k zasneženému Bardejovu. Pre veľký úspech a pripomenutie čarovnej krásy bardejovského zasneženého námestia si môžte záber stiahnúť vo vysokom rozlíšení do vášho počítača ako tapetu a dennodenne sa kochať 😉 Tapetu si môžte stiahnúť kliknutím priamo na fotografiu alebo na tento odkaz. A ak chcete mať zasnežený Bardejov aj v záhlaví vášho Facebook profilu, tak použite dolný záber – kliknite na fotografiu alebo si ho stiahnite rovno tu. Patrik

let it snow!

Visiting my hometown Bardejov (very far north-east corner of Slovakia) during New year time – of course armed with our gears. As our new PPSOP.cz course about flashes is approaching, I can’t miss any opportunity to flash around. We are opening on February 1st and myself and Bryan are thrilled to welcome you there!And when is heavy snowing outside – that’s the best occasion to pull out the flash and bring the snowflakes into a picture! Following shot was made straight in the camera. It was really snowing heavily, but with a longer shutter speed you need for a twilight time picture, snowflakes wouldn’t be visible. So during my 1 sec exposure I have fired my SB 900 (off the camera, triggered with Pocket Wizards and with amber gel on) at full power – and voilá – snowflakes are here 😉Beautiful evening. Even it was 3rd of January, the air smell and looked completely like it was just a few days before the Xmas!Nikon D7000, Nikkor 24-70mm at 32mm, ISO 250, F/6.3 @ 1 sec. Nikon SB-900 at full 1/1 power.