project 52 | week 12 – in the center (and/or at the edge)

A bit complicated theme this week. I was clueless for a while, when the inspiration came right in front of me. During our Sunday afternoon walk we happened to be right along the path of some motorbike parade. Hundreds (!) of bikes of all kinds, all honking and reving up the engines. Quite ugly background, so quick reaction was: do some panning! After a quick review on a display I knew I have the one for “in the center, or at the edge” 😉 Tento týždeň trochu komplikované téma. Zo začiatku som bol totálne bez nápadu, ale ako to už zvyčajne býva, inšpirácia prišla sama, až pred objektív. Počas nedeľnej, rodinnej prechádzky sme sa zrazu vyskytli hneď vedľa nejakej motorkárskej spanilej jazdy. Stovky motoriek (!) všetkých tvarov a chutí, trúbili, vytáčali motory. S pomerne nudným pozadím som zareagoval panningom a po rýchlej kontrole na displeji som zistil, že mám aj jeden “V strede, alebo na kraji” 😉 Few more bikers – I told you – all ind of bikers 😉 Ešte zopár motorkárov  – veď som vravel, že všetkých tvarov a chutí 😉

project 52 | week 10 – ear (and eye)

This week it is a linguistic mystery, as the theme of the week is the Ear. Trouble is, that in my native language, sewing needle has an “ear”, while in English it is a proverbial “Eye of the needle”. So I am fulfilling theme only in one language 😉 Unless the Eye theme will be selected again! 😉 Behind the scene shots inside the article… © Patrik Banas, Nikon D800 with Macro 105mm lens and three additional Kenko extension tubes. f/40 @ 30sec, ISO 100. Tento týždeň sa v projekte 52 jedná o povestný lingivistický oriešok. Témou týždňa je Ucho. Menším problémom je to, že v mojom rodnom jazyku má ihla ucho, ale pri preklade do angličtiny, musím zmeniť “orgán”, nakoľko v angličtine sa jedná o “Oko ihly”. Takže tému mám splnenú len v jednom jazyku 😉 Alebo budem musieť počkať, pokiaľ témou nebude znova Oko…Zábery spoza foťáku vo vnútri príspevku…

project 52 | week 9 – guess what?

In this case it is more “guess how and where”, as “what” itself is pretty easy to recognize. Would you guess how this picture has been taken and what is behind? Read inside to see the “behind the scene” shot and a bit of the background.V tomto prípade ide skôr o “Hádaj ako a kde” namiesto “hádaj čo to je”, nakoľko samotný objekt je celkom ľahko rozoznateľný. Uhádli by ste, ako bola táto fotografia nafotená a čo to vlastne je v pozadí? Viac info je vnútri článku vrátane záberu “spoza foťáku”. We went for a family walk around……a nearby lake and as the sunset has approached, we got a magnificent color of the sky, with the majestic mountains behind the lake itself – just incredible! It would be a sin not to take a picture! However I was trying to avoid to have a plain “nice cloudy” shot and I was looking for an object to spiced up the scene. There wasn’t much around except my son’s bike. So a very quick composition allowed me to take a nice silhouette against the sky and break the colorful sky. It was just then at home when I got an idea to turn the picture upside down to completely mess with the my viewer’s senses and the orientation 😉 Always think to add to the picture something else, what all others around you won’t… Vybrali sme sa na rodinnú prechádzku okolo neďalekého jazera a ako sa blížil súmrak, naskytol sa nám pohľad na úchvatnú farbu oblohy, s majestatnými horami v pozadí samotného jazera. Proste gýč ako prasa 😉 Bolo by hriechom to nenafotiť! Každopádne, pokúsil som sa nafotiť záber aspoň trošku ináč, aby to nebol len jeden ďalší záber na krásnu oblohu a obhliadal som sa okolo seba po nejakom zaujímavom objekte, […]

project 52 | week 8 – it’s a man thing!

OK, being a man it should be quite easy to come up with an idea specific for MAN, right? Well, it took me a bit of time to think – and then I got it! I’ve laughed and start to think how to visualize it the best way… Disclaimer first – I swear I am not one of us, who keep it up all the time, even though it might happen here and there… 😉 But, yes, I think we are quite notoriously known for not putting toilet seats down back… However, it might be also one of the stereotypical features.So I had the visualization on my mind right from the beginning (especially when we had opened this week our Flash course) and the idea is, that we are probably scared to put toilet seat back down again, as there must be something scary with the toilet itself! It has definitely nothing to do with being lazy!!! Two flash. One with blue gel – front lit with 1/4 power and second one with a red gel hidden in the toilet (! see behind the scenes below!) with 1/2 power. Camera set up: Nikon D800 with 24-70mm, f/5.6 at 1/200 sec. Happy toilet seating 😀 OK, ako chlap by som mal mať výhodu a prísť s nápadom na tému “Mužská záležitosť” by malo byť jednoduché, však? Nuž, chvíľku mi to trvalo – ale potom som dostal ten správny nápad! Pobavil som sám seba a hneď som začal rozmýšľať nad čo najlepším stvárnením… Na úvod ale musím kategoricky vyjasniť jednu vec – ja fakt vážne nepatrím k tým, ktorí nechávajú sedátko (český výraz prkýnko je môj obľúbený) hore, aj keď teda, je možné, že sa to sem – tam stalo…  Každopádne, myslím si, že my ako chlapi sme notoricky spájaní s […]