This week theme of my beloved (but too much neglected) project52 is centered composition. Lucky me – being that week in Tuscany where take a photo with this topic (actually, any topic 😉 was really easy. Two candidates are here… Florence, Italy | Nikon D810, Nikkor 24-70 @ 27mm, 1/160 sec at f/11, ISO 250 V mojom obľúbenom (ale riadne zanedbávanom) projekte 52 bola tento týždeň téma stredová kompozícia. Mal som to šťastie, že som bol práve v Toskánsku, kde nafotiť takýto záber (koniec koncov akýkoľvek 😉 nebol vôbec problém. Dvaja kandidáti z užšieho (stredového) kola… D’Orcia, Italy | Nikon D810, Nikkor 16-35 @ 25mm, 1/200 sec at f/13, ISO 200
Monthly Archives: May 2017
tulips (happy mother’s day!)
Flowers are very likely the most photographed subject. They do not run away, they stay where you put them, they are colorful, have a nice shape, everybody loves them. That’s why – as being such an “easy” subject – photo stock agencies are overflown with flower pictures and most of them put a ban on adding more new flowers shots. That would suggest, one should stop photograph flowers. But you know what? So what. I love flowers and have to admit, when I got my chance to enjoy full garden of fresh tulips, I couldn’t resist. I have actually took a whole bunch of other photo-friends and we had a blast during our Tulip Photo walk! You don’t have to go to Holland to enjoy fields of tulips (even though, that must be overwhelming experience!), just look around you. All those tulips below are dedicated to mothers. To my mother (hello čminka), to mother of my children (hello babe) – and to all of you mothers everywhere! Happy mother’s day. Multi exposure shot, made of two shots, straight in the camera Kvety sú asi najviac fotografovaným objektom. Nikam neutečú, ostanú tam kam si ich položíte, sú krásne farebném ,ajú pekný tvar a každý ich zbožňuje. Asi preto, že sú to také ľahké objekty na fotenie, tak fotobanky už napríklad neprijímajú nové zábery s kvetmi. Človek aby prestal fotiť kvety, že veď už aj tak bolo všetko nafotené, však? Ale viete čo? Kašlať na to. Mám rád kvety a musím sa priznať, že keď som mal príležitosť vyblázniť sa v záhrade plnej tulipánov, tak som neodolal. Dokonca som dotiahol partiu fotografov a mali sme skvelú Tulipánovú Foto walk/prechádzku! Fakt nemusíte ísť do Holandska aby ste si užili lány tulipánov (aj keď to asi musí byť skvelý zážitok), stačí keď sa poobzeráte […]
People (of Italy)
Shooting landscapes is wonderful in Tuscany, but shooting people around is my passion. Getting human element to the frame makes me always jump for joy! 😉 Betty in Siena At the Torre del Mangia, Siena Lucky at the Torre del Mangia, Siena Gina in Sienna Monticchiello Monticchiello At the Torre del Mangia, Siena Gina and blue lady, Siena
Stars everywhere
I love shooting in the night! And as I’m preparing for a new upcoming Photo walk dedicated to Stars, I have been revisiting my library. It was quite a surprise to me, that I haven’t retrieved yet my night shots from Palouse. It was so fun! Like this abandoned farm and wheat elevator.Once you’ll find a great subject, far away from light pollution, set up is pretty easy. High ISO (2000 or even 3200), low aperture (f/4 in my case) to achieve exposure time up to 20 seconds. Why only 20 seconds? Because with longer times you’ll get movement of the stars (yeah, Earth rotation!) and stars appears to be out of focus. During that exposure you should lightpaint your main subject (farm or wheat elevator in my case) with a strong flashlight – and voilá! 20 seconds later you’ll get such a beauty right out of the camera! And if you’ll plan it well and include Milky way into your shot… Bingo!Have you been shooting starts already? Don’t wait! Milky way season is starting!PS: That glow behind the house? That’s the “light pollution” of nearby village/farms… Nikon D810, Nikkor 16-35 @ 16 mm, f/4, 20 sec, ISO 3200 Zbožňujem fotiť v noci! A keďže sa pripravujem na ďalší foto workshop zameraný na fotenie hviezd, tak som si prešiel knižnicu a k môjmu veľkému prekvapeniu som zistil, že som ešte nepovyťahoval všetky zábery z Palouse! Joooj, to bolo skvelé! Ako napríklad táto opustená farma a výťah na obile. Stačí si nájsť skvelý objekt do záberu, ďaleko od svetelného znečistenia a nastavenie je potom už jednoduché. Vysoké ISO (2000 alebo aj 3200), clona otvorené naplno (f/4 v mojom prípade), tak aby ste expozíciu dosiahli na 20 sekúnd. A prečo iba 20 sekúnd? Lebo s dlhšími časmi už zachytíte jemný pohyb hviez (veru, […]