circles – project 52 | week 16

Artificial circles with almost “human” element! I was so much hoping to get somebody walking through the frame and add the real human element, but there was nobody around… And as the last call for passengers was announced, I had to pack and be satisfied with the fire extinguisher and the reflection only! Well, c’est la vie… And to make it even more complicated, I got another interesting circles, found a few hours earlier and my decision and temptation was really huge! Which one to pick?! Well, let me share both and let me know in comments, which one is your favorite…PS: Do you know what is it? Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70 @ 48mm, f/8, 1/125 sec, ISO 320 Kruhy, do ktorých som takmer pridal “ľudský” element! Tak som dúfal, že mi niekto prejde pred foťák do záberu aby som tam mal ozajstný ľudský element, ale nikto nebol nablízku… A keďže už vyhlasovali poslednú výzvu na môj let, musel som sa zbaliť a uspokojiť sa len s hasiacim prístrojom! C’est la vie… A aby som to mal ešte komplikovanejšie, tak som v ten istý deň nafotil ešte ďalšie kruhy a mal som naozaj ťažké rozhodovanie, ktoré kruhy vybrať! Nuž, podelím sa o oba… A dajte mi v komentároch vedieť, ktorý sa páči vám… PS: Viete, čo to je? 😉 Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70 @ 44mm, f/14, 1sec, ISO 400 Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70 @ 66mm, f/3.5, 1/1000 sec, ISO 320

twilight – timing and quality of light

I got back from shooting almost frozen. It was cold and really windy! But those shots are really worth it! You all probably heard already, that timing is everything. And in photography this is valid even more. Quality of light on your pictures is very dependent on the proper timing. And this was my case last Saturday evening. I was about to take a picture for my project 52 and the theme of the week was Twilight, or “Magic blue” if you want. And I got that picture, as you can see below. So what is this Magic cobalt blue? It is a moment of the day, apx. 30-60 minutes after the sunset, when sun is not shining directly anymore, but there is enough light reflected from behind the horizon and the sky is still not pitch black. Especially city landscapes and car trails looks amazing against this fantastic blue sky! And that’s what I waited for. Sunset at 8.20pm and the picture below was taken at 9.00pm. Three minutes exposure to get those wonderful car light trails and the city lights below me. And as always, when shooting during twilight I’ve called for help my FLW filter, to enhance overall colors and structure. – [slovenská verzia textu nižšie] Since I got a couple of shot before the final one, when I was setting up my position, I wanted to share those with you as well, to demonstrate how fundamentally light can change literally within a few minutes and what does it make with the final picture (click to enlarge it). And as always, what Bryan Peterson thought me well: when is a good time for vertical shot? Right after the horizontal! 😉 All those picture above were shot facing east as the car trails were much stronger and more vibrant, […]

egg – project 52 | week 14

RECIPE:a) one white eggb) few pieces of kitchen warec) white paper boardd) late afternoon sun with a loooong shadows… no extra lights or flashes necessarye) a lot of fun just playing in the kitchenRESULTS: RECEPT: a) jedno biele vajíčko b) zopár kusov kuchynského náradia c) biela papierová doska d) popoludňajšie slnko s dlhokáaanskymi tieňmi… žiadne ďalšie svetlá alebo blesky e) kopec zábavy pri hraní sa v kuchyni VÝSLEDKY: PS: Only one small accident! 😉 Iba jedna malá nehoda!

panning – project 52 | week 13

Shooting panning indoor has some limitations. But those limitations will push you further to come up for a specific solutions. Small object? Use your macro lens! Not enough colorful background? Build one! (thanks lego) Missing something “wobbly” and unreal? Stick a smiley candle to the antenna!Big thanks to all my three assistants! (remote driver, catcher and focus coordinator 😉 And of course – behind the scenes shot below. Nikon D800, Nikkor Macro 105mm, f/3 @ 1/50sec with ISO 1000 Fotenie panningu vo vnútri má svoje obmedzenia. Ale práve tieto obmedzenia napomôžu tomu, aby sa fotograf vypol k maximálnemu nasadeniu a poradil si! Je fotený objekt príliš malý? Použi makro objektív! Je pozadie málo farebné? Postav si ho! (díky lego). Chýba niečo “trasúce sa” a nereálne? Napichni na anténu smajlíkovú sviečku!Veľká vďaka ide mojím trom asistentom (šoférovi diaľkového ovládania, chytačovi a koordinátorovi zaostrovania 😉 No sa samozrejme, obligátna fotka spoza scény je nižšie.