Breath for your life!

If you ever wondered whether synchronised swimming is an easy sport, then don’t. It is like running 1000m under 4 minutes and being able to gasp a breath only every 30 seconds! Our daughter is enjoying that and we love watching her shows and competitions.And even though a long days spent far away from home might get really long, there are a lot of photo opportunities (aside of playing Candy crush and Mario Run! :). Last weekend I have focused on architecture first (see here) and then decided to take images, full of splashing water and girls jumping high – just to demonstrate the beauty and hardship of the sport! Now, to capture it, I wanted to be all about freezing the action. And as all mermaids were pretty fast, I needed my shutter speed to be shorter than 1/640 seconds – or safer to be around 1/1000.Secondly, to get them isolated from the busy background, my telephoto lens was crucial to help with that. But with time of 1/1000 sec and shorter I didn’t have to at least worry about handholding.Obviously, with a quite limited light inside the pool (and overcast day outside) my ISO had to be cranked up quite high, into 2000 – 2500 values! Thankfully, my Nikon D800 is handling noise still pretty well and a little “denoise” in LR smooth it nicely.Now, to get a proper nice action shots, you need to “get the rhythm” and follow performers. This is very much valid for any kind of sport. Following closely girls with eye glued to the viewfinder. Finger ready on the shutter. And most of all – anticipate! Will they go right or left? Do they plan to do high jump or just to stick out legs? After a while, you’ll get the sense… Like, […]

curves and lines (and a boy!)

Being a passionate supporter of your daughter’s synchro swimming hobby means sometimes spending whole days at distance places and just “kill the time”. Thankfully, some of those places are pretty nice architectural pieces and so “killing” is actually quite fun. While swimmers were preparing for a final “grand defilé”, I walked around a pool and pointed to a various angles looked for sexy curves and lines of the pool roof structure. And for one specific shot I have call my big guy for a help – adding a human element to otherwise clean and empty image is so powerful, isn’t it? Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70 @70mm, f/4.5 at 1/320s, ISO400 Keď ste vášnivým podporovateľom koníčka, ktorému prepadla vaša dcéra a tým športom je synchronizované plávanie, tak mnoho vašich víkendových dní bude na miestach ďaleko od domova a budete hľadať spôsob ako stráviť celý deň inak ako len posedávaním a hraním Candy Crash (alebo Mario Run!) na mobile. Chvalabohu, mnoho týchto miest sú krásne architektonické kúsky a tak zabíjanie nudy (keď sa nesúťaži samozrejme!) je celkom zábavné. Preto v sobotu, keď sa plavci pripravovali na záverečné defilé, som sa prechádzal a mieril s objektívom do rôznych uhlov a vyhľadával som sexy krivky a línie na konštrukcii strechy bazéna. A potom som si ešte na jeden špecifický záber povolal svojho veľkého pomocníka – pridanie ľudského elementu do inak čistého a prázdneho záberu tú fotografiu riadne zvýraznilo, čo poviete? Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70 @70mm, f/4.5 at 1/125s, ISO800 Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70 @70mm, f/4.5 at 1/100s, ISO640 Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70 @70mm, f/4.5 at 1/100s, ISO800 Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70 @70mm, f/4.5 at 1/200s, ISO640