project 52 | week 4 – letters

Ok, first weekly assignment on time! This week theme are “letters”. And here are mines. Actually still within my “being in love” theme of our anniversary week 😉This romantic word is made same way as my favorite “light through” technique, but doesn’t look so shiny as some other flowers – rose leaves are quite thick. Anyway, it still counts as “letters” and I still like to play with it. Here’s how flowers with thin skin and thinner leaves look like: Bryan’s fans are familiar with this technique. It’s actually white piece of plexi glass (semi-transparent plastic sheet), where you lay down your flowers (veggie, fruits, watches… go wild and go creative!) and you’ll fire two flashes. One directly above and one located below the plexi glass. Bryan’s “how to video” you can find at The Perfect Picture School of Photography page and a small example of my set up is here:

project 52 | week 3 – eye

Still catching up with week three of my new weekly duty – project 52. Actually a new theme for week 4 has been already announced, but there is a “week” of time, so let’s focus on a current one – “eye”. I can search around the world and I won’t find a nicer, deeper, more sensitive and prettier eye with a spark, which is winking just at me. I’m falling in love with this eye already for 16 years and I still can’t get enough. Thank you for keeping an eye on me, sweetheart! I love you! Happy anniversary 😉

project 52 | week 2 – blue

Catching up quickly with previous weeks. Theme of the week is BLUE and I actually have taken this picture around that week. Fight of the blue vs red. Blues vs Detroit. Hell vs heaven. Calm vs energetic…. My kids (and their toothbrushes).Under macro 105mm and a tiny (1/128) little help of flash.

project 52 | week 1 – happy, new or 12

In order to not become mentally dwarfed, or should I say photographically dwarfed –  I’ve accepted a challenge of my fellow photographer and I’m joining her Project 52. What is it? Similar to project 365, where you have to take one picture every day, but logically here you are supposed to take one picture per week. And BTW, there is a theme for every given week, which I may or I may not adhere every week. Let’s see 😉Oh yeah, and that fellow photographer is my dear better half of myself, my Monika and actually her idea inspired about 70 other photographers who joined her already. So I’ll be sharing same theme every week with a pretty sizable community!So here it comes, theme of the first week is: “HAPPY, NEW or 12”. I go with “new” and picture is here. Well, while it might look as a new galaxy has been born, don’t get fooled 😉 It’s just Monika’s new nail polish…Together with my 105mm macro on tripod and side directed flash…PS: Monika’s approach to Project 52 can be found here.

model found | chalan z tople sa našiel!

My social media experiment worked! I found him! In my previous blog I was looking for an unknown model from Topla creek, reaching out via social media – and I was able to get in contact with him in less than 18 hours!! YOU ALL were awesome! So I need to thank you all as well.Môj experiment so sociálnym sieťami zabral! Našiel som ho! Ako som písal v predchádzajúcom blogu, hľadal som neznámeho modela z Tople a skúšal som ho nakontaktovať cez sociálne siete – a podarilo sa mi ho nájsť za menej ako 18 hodín!! Boli ste všetci perfektní, preto sa vám chcem tiež všetkým poďakovať! I have to say it was above my expectations. First reactions were coming within a few hours. My cousin’s Biba friend Lubor was the first one to give me a bit of guidance and after a quick reassurance “no, this is not any kind of vendetta” he got me in a contact with Slv, who knew one of the guys on a group photo. And at the top of it, he added his own picture sitting at the very same chair in Topla! So our story wasn’t made up! 😉Musím priznať, že to prekročilo všetky moje očakávania. Prvé rekacie začali prichádzať v priebehu pár hodín. Kamarát mojej sesternice Biby – Lubor – mi dal prvé vodítko a po uistení, že sa nejedná o žiadne vybavovanie účtov ma nakontaktoval so Slv, ktorý poznal jedného z chalanov z fotky. A navyše pridal svoju vlastnú fotku z toho istého inkriminovaného kresla v Topli – dôkaz, že sme si fakt náš príbeh len tak nevymysleli 😉 Some girls got interested to know our model personally (thanks Petra!) so they helped us spread the news and I’ve got a surprising 19 re-shares of this story. And then it was pretty […]

model wanted | hľadá sa tento chalan – topľa bardejov

I’ve decided to try the power of the social media. I’m looking for the name and contact to this guy. If you know him – let me or him know. If the face isn’t familiar please share this on your blog/wall and pass it further! Thanks. And why I’m looking for him? Because he (and his friends) were so great and genuine models (for about 3 minutes) and I hadn’t thank them enough!Rozhodol som sa, že otestujem silu sociálnych sietí. Hľadám totiž meno a kontakt na tohto chalana. Ak ho poznáte, dajte mi prosím – alebo jemu vedieť, že ho hľadám. Ak vám nie je povedomý, tak prosím zdieľajte tento príspevok na svojej Stene alebo blogu a pošlite správu ďalej. A prečo ho hľadám? Pretože mi (aj so svojimi kamarátmi) robil perfektného modela (asi tak na 3 minúty) a dodnes som im za to poriadne nepoďakoval. Story is quite simple, but beautiful at the same time… Summer 2010 we were spending our holidays  in my hometown Bardejov, northeast part of Slovakia. During our evening walk with Monika near the Topla creek we find out that somebody (really stupid) just dumped this blue leather chair to the river! No arrangements whatsoever on our side. Obviously, this called for an immediate photo opportunity and I’ve run home to grab a camera and tripod. Je to vcelku jednoduchý príbeh. V lete 2010 sme trávili našu dovolenku v mojom rodnom Bardejove. Počas podvečernej prechádzky okolo Tople sme zrazu zbadali že niekto (fakt “intelygentní”) vyhodil staré kožené kreslo do Tople. Toto sme v žiadnom prípade nenastrojili my. Samozrejme, ani chvíľu som neváhal a utekal domov pre foťák a statív. So we took a few stunning pictures of a static chair frozen in the dreamy flow of Topla. Tak sme za pár chvíľ nacvakali niekoľko príjemných záberov kresla zaseknutého v […]

life’s just a carousel

I’ve really enjoyed Christmas time with my family! With kids we’ve tried to have every day one little activity. Pictures below were taken during our rides at historic Carousel @ Faust Park. And it is again a small but firm evidence, that to carry on my point and shoot with me everywhere is priceless! While I’ve taken several documentary shots of our kids for a family album – I also had a time to switch my Leica also to manual mode and play few seconds with my favorite shutter speed. Would you like to have a ride with us? 😉 Both pictures handheld with Leica D-Lux 4 @  f/3.2 and 1/5 second. Historic Carousel @ Faust Park is a great place by the way. Horses (and deer) are hand made carved and are almost hundred years old. Whole carousel was carefully restored in 80’s and is maintained with love and care till today. If you are around, don’t hesitate and go – see this link. $1 per ride…

inverted tunnel

There’s a saying, which is becoming a cliché nowadays – the best camera is the one you have with you. Can’t agree more! Three days ago I’ve packed my kids to go see Christmas wonderland to nearby Tilles Park. Thank god for not forgetting (just in case!) also my beloved point and shoot, which is is not “just point and shoot” 😉 Leica is shooting to raw and is able to set up manual exposure…  It can become handy. Right when I was entering with my car into an inverted tunnel made of hundreds of thousands little lights (inverted because light is inside and against a common believe you can see the dark at the end of the tunnel 😉 I’ve realized – what a spectacle! First snap was “okay” (see below), but the one with shutter opened for one full second while driving looks cool, huh? And yes, this has been taken through the windshield! 😉 This is an original shot with 1/100 sec shutter speed… I love playing with shutter speed! And for my non-US friends there. Well, Christmas Wonderland is something very very hard to describe, you must experience it 😉 Sooooo typical american xmas tradition, but have to admit, great if you have kids in  age between 3 and 13 😉 Imagine kind of drive-through light show. Park is decorated with millions (literally) lights in the shape of xmas creatures, snowflakes, santas, rudolph-the-red-noses and other winter designs… and you are driving slowly through it. In your car. Walking is not allowed. Funny 😉 Oh yeah, and this is the inverted tunnel itself, from a distance…