Finally managed to get semi-transparent white plexi-glass to be able to shoot “white in space” pictures at home. Yeaah, I know, it took us a while 😉 Anyway, on my Saturday morning walk to local bakery (while raining) I got an idea, how those homeless snails (which were everywhere!) would look like in the white space and if they would be as transparent as flowers or fruits. Well, you can see by yourself. Fight for the last remaining household begins! 😉 And the winner is?! 😉PS: Idea and tip how to shoot with the white board can be found in this older Bryan’s video. Which is exactly where I have shot few my previous white floats – see examples here.PS2: One would not believe how those creatures can be fast! I have carefully staged them and while getting to the camera’s viewfinder, those bastards were inches away!!! ;))) Konečne sme doma zvládli si zohnať vlastné biele, matné plexisklo, aby sme mohli fotiť zábery “v bielom priestore”. Hej, celkom nám to trvalo, však? Každopádne, v sobotu cestou do pekárne – keďže pršalo – som dostal nápad, že ako by v bielom priestore vyzerali tie slizniaky (tak doma voláme tých bezdomovcov bez búdky). A že či by tiež boli tak priesvitný ako ovocie alebo kvety. Nuž, presvedčte sa sami. Bitka o poslednú voľnu domácnosť sa začala! A víťazom sa stáva?! 🙂PS: Kliknite na toto video, kde Bryan vysvetľuje ako sa fotí s takýmto plexisklom. Mimochodom, je to presne to miesto, kde som nafotil svoje predchádzajúce biele zábery po prvýkrát…PS2: Človek by neveril aké rýchle tie malé mrchy dokážu byť! Opatrne som si ich nastaval a nakomponoval a kým som sa pozrel cez foťák na záber, tak tie potvory boli už centimetre mimo!!
Monthly Archives: July 2014
project 52 | week 22 – strawberries (fireworks again!)
And I did it again. Used the firework opportunity (Vive la France!) during our recent trip to Burgundy and shoot fireworks during the explosion and “defocused” at the same time. I have used this technique already two years ago (see here), but I still had a lot of fun! All pictures were taken with 24-70mm street-zoom lens at 70mm and I was again amazed what a fantastic creation I was getting right out on my screen! How to do that? Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70mm, f/8, 1/2sec. No editing whatsoever, output straight out of the camera. It is actually very simple. Technique is similar to the “zooming” one, but this time during a one second exposure you are rotating with your focusing ring on your lens.1) find a firework in your area 😉2) use a medium size telezoom lens (somewhere between 70-120mm)3) go manual exposure and turn off your automatic focusing4) set up an exposure to f/8 and shutter speed for 1 second. (Here you can play with shutter speed between 1/2 to 2 seconds, longer exposure can give you a longer strikes, but you might get a lot of light into a frame.)5) aim the camera to expected center of the explosion6) in the moment of the explosion push the shutter button and at the same time – during the 1 second exposure – rotate your focusing ring from one side to another And that’s it! This time versus my previous attempt I haven’t used the tripod and found it much easier and faster to aim for the center of the explosion. And still think that the “explosion roses” are as beautiful as previously.That easy! So go on, find your firework and share what you have captured! 😉 I’m looking forward to it. PS: Still fits into the project 52, the […]
project 52 | week 19 – on the ground
Harvest time! Just magnificent trip to Burgundy in France with great friends. And passing hay bales around village of Donzy was irresistible. See also what kind of session Monika created there… Lovely!