Have you heard about a special photo equipment, which will help you improve your pictures tremendously?It’s called VADH. And it stands for Voice Activated Difuser Holder. You say, and VADH will listen and will do whatever you will ask. Perfectly automated, no wires, no wireless triggers required. VADH has several other similar products in their portfolio, like more famously known VAL (Voice Activated Lightstand, terminology courtesy of Joe McNally and Bryan Peterson 🙂 Yes, and that’s me and my new role 🙂 While hanging out with Bryan in Chicago and preparing other videos for some new courses coming to PPSOP.cz I have become a very handy VADH. and WITH the help of difuser without difuser Full PPSOP phototip available here.
Monthly Archives: September 2012
city beach
If there’s no beach nearby, why not to create one in the middle of the city? Literally. A bit of sand, beach chairs and something what should evoke beach umbrellas – and voila! Kids with sand toys are welcomed…Oh, and BTW, did I mentioned absence of the sea? Colorful umbrellas caught my attention immediately when I was driving around. In order to keep a nice color of the sky in sunset and “umbrellas”, I faced a situation with a pretty dark chairs, more like a silhouettes. So I’ve called for a help of additional, miniature sun. Remotely connected off-the-camera flash with amber gel, placed right behind the purple pole… Definitely more interesting, as to my taste orange colors well fits to the overall colorful image. So when you miss sun – bring your own one 😉 And while in the next picture I am definitely missing something more eye-catching (like Monika pointed – a cat sitting in the middle of the chair would be charming), I just wanted demonstrate a BIG difference between the shots WITH and WITHOUT a flash… As you can see, I’m in a “flash mode” now. This will keep me for a while now 😉
hello kitty
I love you sweet heart!
Creatively correct exposure
Hneď v úvode nášho vlajkového kurzu Naučte se exponovat kreativně na PPSOP.cz sa obšírne venujeme názornému vysvetleniu rozdielu medzi správnou expozíciou a KREATÍVNE správnou expozíciou. Pri každej fotografickej príležitosti sa môžete rozhodnúť pre niekoľko kombinácii nastavenia clony a rýchlosti uzávierky. Aj keď tieto kombinácie zaistia správnu expozíciu, v našom kurze vás naučíme, ako nájsť a zvoliť práve tú z nich, ktorá je kreatívne správna. Tú, ktorá vás aj ostatných nadchne a zaručí vám úspech. Na názornom príklade nižšie máte možnosť niekoľkokrát vidieť kolotoč nafotený v tej istej dobe. Aj keď všetkých 5 snímkov má rovnaké svetelné podmienky a ich expozícia je správna, je úplne evidentné, že výsledné zábery sú s použitím rôzneho času uzávierky diametrálne odlišné. A určite s nami budete súhlasiť, že zábery č.4 a č.5 zaujmú diváka viac, ako tie predchádzajúce a dovolíme si tvrdiť, že sú kreatívnejšíe v porovnaní napr. s “obyčajným” záberom kolotoča č.1. Objavte svoj fotoaparát a naučte sa fotiť v manuálnom režime. Prejdite do módu “M” na svojej digitálnej zrkadlovke a prihláste sa k nám do kurzu Naučte se exponovat kreativně. Foťte s nami – naučíme vás to! photo © 2012 by Patrik Banas | blog.patrikbanas.com PS: A ktorý záber sa páči vám? Dajte nám vedieť v komentároch nižšie. _______________________________________________________________________ In our “Understanding Exposure” class I’m teaching with Bryan in Czech version of Perfect Picture School of Photography PPSOP.cz we are spending a significant time to explore a difference between Correct exposure and CREATIVELY correct exposure. Obviously, you can find 5 or 6 different combination of shutter speed and your aperture. And however all those combinations will give you a correct exposure, in PPSOP we will help you how to find and choose one, which will be the most creative. THE exposure, which will amuse you and your friends and relatives will adore. At the […]