Synchronized swimming is beautiful and hard sport! And I had a pleasure to photograph my beloved daughter’s Synchro Christmas show again. What a pleasure! Equipped with mirrorless SONY Alfa 6000 with Meikon Waterproof Camera case I got very, very close! And I got rewarded… PS: Video with “below and above” view is at the very bottom. Synchronizované plávanie je nádherný a namáhavý šport! A ja som mal tú česť si znova nafotiť Synchro Vianočnú show mojej milovanej dcéry! Aká nádhera! Vybavený so Sony Alfa 6000 a Meikon vodotesným púzdrom som sa dostal naozaj veľmi, veľmi blízko! A odmena ma neminula…PS: Video s “pod a nad” zábermi je úplne dole. And here’s also video made with the underwater camera – combined WITH above the water view! Amazing comparison what an effort is done below the water! Congratulations to all!