winter landscape [p52 | w4] – part 1/2

It is easy to take winter landscape pictures, when you go for a night snow shoeing walk with the full moon! It was quiet and beautiful. Enjoy scenery with me…   PS: Went for another walk day later, when moon was still full. About that later… 😉 Zábery zimnej krajiny sa naozaj fotia ľahko, ak sa človek vyberie na prechádzku so snežnicami len dva dni pred splnom! Bolo ticho a krásne. Užite si to so mnou… PS: A o dva dni som sa vybral na prechádzku znova, kedy bol už ozajstný spln! Ale o tom neskôr… 😉 Composition of 30 shots, Nikon D800 and Nikkor 24-70 at 24mm, each photo exposed for 4 minutes, f/11, ISO 100. All 30 pictures opened as layer in Photoshop and blended with “lighten” mode. Great to see that light track on the hill – snow track was working a whole time and those are its headlights! 😉 Kompozícia 30 záberov, každý záber bol exponovaný 4 minúty pri clone f/11 a ISO 100. Všetkých 30 záberov otvorených zvlášť ako vrstva vo Photoshope a spojené cez blending mode “Lighten”. Je skvelé vidieť tie biele svetelné čiary hore na kopci – to boli svetlá snežného ratráku, čo tam jazdil celú noc! 😉

black pets are beautiful! / two [p52 | w1]

Project 52 in year 2016? Yeah! Of course 😉 First theme – Two. Two eyes, two ears, two nostrils = one dog! 😉 Yes, let me present you TWO beautiful and faithful eyes, which lives with us almost a year now. Her name is Bonnie. She is a future hero, as she will be guiding dog for somebody with sight troubles! Yes, those TWO eyes will be seeing for somebody else.More about Bonnie you can find at Monika’s blog here. Additional reason for posting those wonderful two eyes is one disturbing fact I have heard recently. Allegedly there is a statistic, that people are abandoning more black pets (primarily dogs and cats!) and one of the theory is, that is more difficult to take a nice picture of the black animals (yeaah, exposure can be tricky here), so black animals do not look pretty and cute when sharing and posting on favorite social network (primarily Instagram)! Add one or two Instagram filters and no wonder you’ll get black spot instead of your pet… Can you believe that?! This is insane – if it’s true. So – here’s my challenge – taking a beautiful pictures of beautiful black animals and prove opposite. I will be taking more pictures of our black lab Bonnie and will be proudly sharing them. And I will dare more of you – especially my fellow photographers – to show, that to take pictures of black pets is easy and they deserve that! Who’s with me?! #blackpet Projekt 52 v roku 2016? No jasne! Prvá téma – DVE. Dve oči, dve uši, dve nosné dierky =  jeden pes! 🙂 Áno, dovoľte aby som vám predstavil DVE nádherné a verné oči, ktoré s nami žijú už skoro rok. Psia slečna sa volá Bonnie a je to budúca hrdinka, nakoľko […]