circles – project 52 | week 16

Artificial circles with almost “human” element! I was so much hoping to get somebody walking through the frame and add the real human element, but there was nobody around… And as the last call for passengers was announced, I had to pack and be satisfied with the fire extinguisher and the reflection only! Well, c’est la vie…

And to make it even more complicated, I got another interesting circles, found a few hours earlier and my decision and temptation was really huge! Which one to pick?! Well, let me share both and let me know in comments, which one is your favorite…
PS: Do you know what is it?

Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70 @ 48mm, f/8, 1/125 sec, ISO 320

Kruhy, do ktorých som takmer pridal “ľudský” element! Tak som dúfal, že mi niekto prejde pred foťák do záberu aby som tam mal ozajstný ľudský element, ale nikto nebol nablízku… A keďže už vyhlasovali poslednú výzvu na môj let, musel som sa zbaliť a uspokojiť sa len s hasiacim prístrojom! C’est la vie…

A aby som to mal ešte komplikovanejšie, tak som v ten istý deň nafotil ešte ďalšie kruhy a mal som naozaj ťažké rozhodovanie, ktoré kruhy vybrať! Nuž, podelím sa o oba… A dajte mi v komentároch vedieť, ktorý sa páči vám…
PS: Viete, čo to je? 😉

Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70 @ 44mm, f/14, 1sec, ISO 400

Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70 @ 66mm, f/3.5, 1/1000 sec, ISO 320

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