on the road (alaska part 3)

Less active today. Moving from Arcticman camp to next destination. Tok, Alaska. We will spend few days here, just riding huskies in the forest, visiting junkyard-playground etc… More about that later…
But today, just 5 hours transfer on the longest Alaska highway, which starts in Canada and goes through whole state – 1490 miles in total.
Nice and quiet ride… and at the end we were rewarded with a wonderful skies!


  1. Ahoj Alaska chlapec 😉

    ta cesta je brutálna! Môžem si na tuto parádnu fotku urobiť rezerváciu na jeden privátny projekt?
    Pozdravujem jednu z najkrajších končín zemegule a mekku backcountry snowboarding! A tebe želám veľa zážitkov!

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