aurora! (alaska part 6)

In the middle of the nowhere, somewhere in the famous Klondike territory, 9 miles to Canadian border … there was a chance to see this miracle for the first time in my life, so we unexpectedly decided to stay overnight in our RV. And you know what? She showed up! Oh yes, Ms. Aurora appeared and made a spectacular entrance! And I was amazed and fascinated and kept shooting till 2am at -20C/-4F … But as you can see, it was worth it!  
Please, enjoy with me this pure beauty of our Mother Nature.
Nikon D810, Nikkor 16-35 at 16mm, f/4, 30sec, ISO1250 

And this one is for my forever sweetheart Monika … I wish you could see that too, because it was … no words to describe … so so beautiful and breathtaking. Will take you there to see it, I promise!


  1. Diky Petre! Som rad ze to vyzera tak ako pises 🙂
    A este par clankov mam na disku, bude pokracovanie…:)
    Pomohlo, ze som si prvykrat vyskusal cestovat s novym editovacim laptopom a tak uverejnovat za jazdy… Dobra skusenost!

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