Continuing with my black and white challenge. For the street photography is black and white somehow natural… This one was made at my trip to Otara market in Auckland, New Zealand. It was GREAT place for roaming and photo-enjoying. But when I later told my kiwi friends where I was, all of them shockingly asked: WHERE the heck have you been? Apparently it is not the most safest and top recommended place for tourist in Auckland. Anyway. This young man and his grandma worth the trip! 😉
Pokračujem druhým dňom s čiernobielou výzvou. K street fotografii tá čiernobiela proste pasuje… Túto som nafotil počas výletu na Otara trh v Aucklande na Novom Zélande. Bolo to FANTSASTICKÉ miesto na foto vychádzku, fakt som si to užil. Ale keď som potom svojím kiwi kamarátom povedal kde som bol, tak sa chytali za hlavu, že TOTO definitívne nie je miesto, kde by sa mal turista sám vybrať. Ale tento mladý muž so svojou starou mamou za to stáli! 😉