i, rock (or size sometimes really doesn’t matter)

It’s exactly a year I’ve spent a fantastic photo 5 days in Death Valley with Scott and Jen and other fellow photographers and I still have to get back to my pictures. I just love them! 😉
My dear friend Andrea send me few months ago a nice snapshot of myself at the Racetrack and that reminded me favorite topic about the power of photography to mess with your size perceived vs the real size. One of the most common reaction when presenting “Moving rocks” from the Racetrack was: “Wow, those are HUGE rocks! How they can move?” Well. It’s actually just a perspective trick when you use very wide angle lens and you get very close to you subject. With an aperture at f/13 and combination of wide angle I’ve got a pretty sharp background, but heeeey, that rock in front is enormous, right? 😉

Well, not really. You can compare here. All moving rocks are actually pretty small 🙂 It’s just again another evidence supporting our men’s position – size really doesn’t matter, right boys? 🙂
The best of my Death Valley is located here.

(c) 2011 photo by andrea cannistraci 

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