life in the bubble

Did you met already those street artists who make these incredibly big bubbles? I met them today while walking through downtown in Dublin (very beautiful by the way!) and my first immediate reaction was to put my camera with wide angle INTO that bubble. To see the city as seen from inside the bubble. Pretty cool view actually, what you think? 😉

Už ste stretli na ulici tých pouličných umelcov, čo vyrábajú tie obrovské bubliny? Ja som ich dnes stretol na uliciach Dublinu (ktorý je mimochodom nádherný!) a moja prvotná reakcia bola vopchať im fotoaparát so širokouhlým foťákom priamo DO BUBLINY. Aby som videl mesto, tak ako sa dá vidieť zvnútra bubliny. A bol to celkom cool pohľad, čo poviete? 😉


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