uphill and downhill

We were driving from one park few weeks ago in St. Louis South county, and I was just tailgating my friend Jana. But when we got at the peak of one hill and I saw what is ahead of, how nice hilly road is laying there …I immediately knew I have to get back early in the morning to take a picture with a long exposure… And I was right! Lines were irresistible… And 6.45am there was already quite a traffic to help me “to paint” them bold and long!
Of course, the best moment to take picture vertically is right after the horizontal one.

And the last photo at the bottom was taken 30 minutes later, when dawn was gone.

Nikon D800 with Nikkor 24-70 @ 38 mm. ISO 100, f/16, 30 sec. White balance set to Fluorescent

Vracali sme sa autom z návštevy jedného parku v južnej časti St. Louis a ja som len sledoval auto kamarátky Janky. Potom sme sa ale vyškriabali na vrchol jedného kopca a ja som zbadal, čo je pred nami… aká krásne kopcovitá a rovná cesta je pred mnou. A v tom momente som vedel, že sa tam musím vrátiť skoro ráno a nafotiť to s dlho otvorenou uzávierkou… A mal som pravdu! Čiary boli úplne neodolateľné. A bol som prekvapený a potešený aká premávka už bola na ceste ráno o 6:45. To mi pomohlo “namaľovať” čiary riadne dlhé a hrubé!

A tá posledná fotka úplne dole bola nafotená o 30 minút neskôr, keď už bolo po súmraku.

Nikon D800 with Nikkor 24-70 @ 70 mm. ISO 100, f/16, 30 sec

Nikon D800 with Nikkor 24-70 @ 58 mm. ISO 100, f/22, 30 sec


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