Revisiting few older folders… and found this calm pier with red warning light from Montreaux.
It was pretty close to Xmas, it was cold, but windless and water was almost still. Great opportunity for nice reflection shots on Geneva’s laek (Lac Leman). Well, Xmas are behind a corner again 😉
Nikon D800. Nikkor 24-70mm @ 24mm, ISO200, f/8, 25 sec |
Prechádzam staršie adresáre a našiel som zopár fotiek z minulého predvianočného obdobia z Montreaux. Bola kosa, ale takmer bezvetrie a tak sa dali krásne fotiť odrazy v ženevskom jazere. Nuž, Vianoce sú za rohom 😉
"Smog on the water and fire in the sky!" Nice!!