project 52 | week 11 – song

Where is a shot, there will be a song…
Theme of the project 52 this week is SONG, and it was quite easy to match a song to this different angle of Arc Triomphe in Paris, France (yes, that is what is it). It was a fine Sunday morning with Monika and quite a fun to lay down on my back under the arch and then realize, that all of the sudden all tourists started to raise their heads and shooting towards the sky 😉
Oh, and the song is the classic – Aux Champs Elysées!

©Patrik Banas, Nikon D800 with Nikkor 14-24mm at 14mm, f/22 @ 1/13sec, ISO100
Ak máte záber, tak pesničku si už nájdete…
Témou projektu 52 tento týždeň je PESNIČKA a tak bolo pomerne jednoduché napasovať skladbu na tento záber Víťazného oblúka (áno, to je to čo to je). Mali sme nádherné nedeľné dopoludnie s Moničkou a bolo to celkom zábavné si ležať na chrbte rovno pod oblúkom a potom zistiť, že zrazu všetci turisti začali zdvíhať hlavy a mierili svojimi fotoaparátmi smerom hore 😉
A ozaj, aby som nezabudol, tá skladba je klasická Aux Champs Elysées!


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