greece without processing (again, FLW filter makes miracles)

I’m spending weekend in Athens (21.5°C on 1st of December!That’s kind of winter I can live with! ;).
As I do not have my comp, I wanted to share only two pictures, where NO post processing has been applied at all.
First one is again a prove of Bryan’s well shared tip – FLW filter makes miracles with the sky, when shooting after the dusk (see my previous example here).

05 dec – picture updated, sensor speck removed. photograph is still untouched

And as I am finalizing our new Flash course – I am obviously playing a lot with flashes recently. In my view – a beauty of combining ambient and flash light source offers just vast opportunities! In the background – famous Acropolis (under heavy construction). Highlighted tree in front lit with radio controlled, off the camera located flash NIKON SB-900 with amber gel.
Again – no processing has been applied – this is a straight out of the camera shot.

View at Acropolis  from the nearby hill.


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