bad weather outside

Still getting back to our session where we played a lot with lights, flashes and of course human curves.
And actually the bad weather outside didn’t bother us at all – vice versa, it helped to create a fantastic background for Ema.

Off camera flash with an orange gel fired via pocketwizard and camera set at f/14 (to get the background as sharp as possible) and  1/200 second shutter speed to freeze ema’s hair in motion. And approximately 2 kg of fun! ๐Ÿ˜‰
It’s a bit less than 4 pounds – for my 12 fingers friends.


  1. No aha ho – druhy Peto Nagy! ๐Ÿ™‚ Ale fakt pekne farebne zladenie z kontrastnych farieb. Mozno az na dotyk na strednu tyc … ale neviem, na ktoru stranu by som ju posunul, ani na jednu dobre asi …

  2. A Peto Nagy takto? ni neviem ๐Ÿ™‚
    Hej aj mne vadi ten dotyk, ale co uz ked mala prsia krasne velke ;-)))
    Inak super!

  3. Mi nehovor, ze si nezachytila, ze Peto Nagy sa na stare kolena dal na fotografovanie aktov! ๐Ÿ™‚ To bola len taka "vtipna" narazka, vobec nic neporovnavajuca ani nenaznacujuca … ano, inak super, hlavne ten farebny kontrast.

  4. No, viem, ze foti samozrejme, aj viem, ze sa po svojich roznorodych zaciatkoch zameral na zeny ako objekt, ale priznavam, ze s tymi aktami som si to nespojila ๐Ÿ™‚

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