singapore’s colorful flyer

Even this picture has been shot two years ago, it’s still one of my the most favorite.  For a several reasons. First of all, I felt in love with Singapore. If there would be an offer coming tomorrow to move there, I would be packing my whole family following day πŸ˜‰
Secondly, this picture is a prove, that with a patience and determination, you can get what you want. And the last, but not least – a bit of luck always helps. In my case it was a navy brass band coming right  into my exposure with all their shiny trumpets, tubas, trombones…

OK, I owe you a bit of explanation… Follow me here.

So, I’m first time in Singapore, totally fascinated. Concierge recommends me as the must see Singapore Flyer (kinda London’s Eye). It is actually located right in the middle of Singapore’s F1 circle. OK. Looks nice, view from the top is fantastic, but picture of the Eye is still pretty poor, flat, dull.

So, right after my fellow Italian (he looks like Russian πŸ˜‰ arrived we’ve got back and I’m determined to wait for the ideal light. Meanwhile – to our surprise – thousands of people are marching on the F1 circle (as we found out, it was a preparation for a Singapore’s National day parade). So couple of cool shots there, right in the middle of them.

And then, my patience with sun going down started to get paid off. Beautiful colors of the sky, clouds and slightly implied motion of the Flyer – I knew I’ve nailed it πŸ˜‰
But only then my monthly portion of the photography luck arrived. Right at the beginning of my 13 seconds exposure (motion of the slow moving Flyer wasn’t still visible enough) my friends from the above with all their shiny metallic musical instruments went right into a shot and kept marching…  
So, what you think? Shot above and the one here? Timing makes a difference, huh? πŸ™‚
Have a great light! Patrik


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